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How to check how many videos I have been subtitled?

Hi Amara team,

If I'm curious about how many videos I have been working totally, where should I check?

Thank you very much!

Thank you for your question, Xiaohan Jia. All your subtitling activities  are listed in your Amara profile. True: when you do a set of subtitles in several revisions, each revision counts as a separate activity, so it's not always simple to just keep track of what subtitles you've been working on, but it's still feasible.




Thank you very much! :3

Hi Amara Team from Naseem Khan
I have translated 19 videos in Urdu for Khan Academy. Out of these 19, 15 are on U-Tube. No idea what happened to the other 4.
Every time I log into Amara,  I  notice that there is a  window saying that " Naseem Khan hasn't  shared any video with Amara" . How do I share them with Amara?

Best regards

Secondly I would like to change my name from Naseem Naz to my original name Naseem Khan. How do I do that?


Thank you for your questions, Naseem.

About the videos you translated that don't ppear on Youtube: ask one of the admins/owners of the Khan Academy team, please.

"Sharing a video with Amara" means creating a new video subtitling page via the form in Subtitle Video: you don't need to do that, but you can if you wish to.

You already appear as Naseem Khan on If you want to change how your name appears here on,  click on the head icon top right, then choose Profile Settings.

I hope this helps.

Happy subtitling

Claude Almansi


Hi Claude,

I would like to add video on my account.

How can I do this?

Best regards,

 Hi,  안정환  explains simply and with screen captures how to add videos to Amara in general.

Could you perhaps  try following that, and if need be, come back here for further questions, please?



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