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Cannot access to this page

Hello I cannot access to this page to change the censored video :

Can you do something, thanks

Thank you for reporting this, Merlin. This time, it is perhaps the same issue described in seems to be down (Dec. 30, 2015). I'll update that announcement when the issue is solved or if I hear from tech staff.

For the time being, I still cannot access any page, and this unavailability is still confirmed by So we just need to be patient.

Best wishes



Help me pleaseeee........


Hii... I can't access this page, whats wrong ???


Don't worry, thank you Claude

Actually, there have been some DMCA takedown requests made to Amara, but they are indeed rare. I'm so sorry about the loss of your subtitles: if you start a new Amara page, may I help with the new French translation?


Thanks Claude,

This video is maybe 2 years old so I don't have them anymore, it the reason I created this topic.

First time it's happening with Amara

Hi, Veroneblack

I cannot access it either. If the video was blocked on YouTube for copyright reasons, it could be that a DMCA takedown request was also made to Amara, who had to comply. This is just a hypothesis, but it seems more likely than a censorship based on content: while some of Eminem's songs might cause takedown requests for violating YouTube's terms concerning inappropriate language and/or racism, this one does not.

Anyway, you could create another Amara page from a working copy of the song, and then reupload your subtitles there: I hope you saved them.


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