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Teams: project descriptions don't show anymore

The descriptions of projects created in  teams aren't showing anymore, though I can still view them in editing mode in the teams where I'm admin. Is this just a temporary glitch or a developers' choice?

I hope the former, because a project without a description is just a sublist of videos, and you can create that more efficiently and easily with tags in a social bookmarking web app, then link to the tags in the team description.

1 person has this problem

Now I think I got it: formerly, project pages were real pages  of the projects subdirectory /p/ of their team directory, with the description showing.
For instance, the URL for the WebmasterHelp project of the Google team was "" and according to the 19 Sep 2012 18:56:03 GMT  Google's cache for this project, it had on top of the left column, just below the team logo:

Google Translation Team / Projects /


This project is for Google's WebmasterHelp videos.

Moreover the project videos listed in the project pages were unfiltered yet: see attached googlecache_project_20120919_ann.jpg screenshot of the same Google's cache for the same project.


Whereas now, the URLs for the projects, as they appear in the links in the navbar of all pages of teams, have the syntax of results of a filtered search in the whole team's videos. So for the WebmasterHelp project of the Google team, this URL is now, and it merely corresponds to the result of the following filtering choice: "Videos in WebmasterHelp project  with any subtitles sorted by time, newest" applied to all the team's videos. And that's why the project description has disappeared.


And though the former "" URL still works, what it effectively shows is this same result of a filtering choice as : without description. See the attached project_pseudo_p_subdirectory_now.jpg screenshot.


Duh. If this reduction of team projects from proper page to mere filtering results is something entailed by the future introduction of the team dashboard Dean Jansen evoked during the Amara Town Hall on Oct 23 (1), then all team participants (2) should be consulted via a poll - some may prefer proper project pages.


(1) See the Amara Town Hall -- Oct 23, 2012 video recording. The Dashboard can already be previewed in the Amara staging platform: see Preview of Amara Team Dashboard in this help forum.
Update: In this staging preview, the Dashboard is on the team's main page, and the  list of videos is now only in the /videos subdirectory. Both in the preview and in the current Amara, the former /p/ subdirectory that used to contain the project pages now also shows the list of videos.
(2) Or at least all team admins, as there are some very hierarchic Amara teams.
The problem persists. So I've asked the participants of the Music Captioning team what they want to do with its descriptionless projects: see Discussion: Should the Music Captioning team's "projects" be kept or scrapped? in the team's Google group.
Hi Claude, 

I've checked back on this, sorry for the delay in replying. Projects will indeed become a sublist of videos at least for the near future, I do like the idea of using the miro community platform as a way to structure the project, as discussed in the Captioning mailing list.  Miro community also has a guide, which might help the efforts being discussed on the mailing list!

By the way, feeds can be added to mirocommunity sites
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