I tried to convert captured amara editing scene file to swf and succeed and upload and seen is also succeed. But interaction I mean entitling user to control the editing is not .... Anybody interested in take advantage of swf in the process applying subtitle translation to education field. Plez reply to this post.
Thanks in advance.
cf. Server web connection is failed is the last message when I share the editing scene in sc** player.
Okay I will adopt teamviewer for interaction with students. Thanks^^
ps. Actually the swf is < 15MB
Josh Morrow
I'm attempting to utilize both Amara's embed capablities and YouTube's Javascript API. The best way I've found to do this is to embed the video using SWFObject and then run the Amara Widgetizer Script on the same page. However, the widgetizer script also resizes all the object embeds it touches, and it's not clear why or how to stop it. If anyone has experience using both of these capabilities together help would be much appreciated.
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