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sub-URLs ending in /#something show the pages without these endings

 Sorry for the unclear wording of the title: an example will be clearer, I hope.

I'll use (Portuguese, Brazilian subtitles of the "DC SHOES: REDISCOVER HOME - FELIPE GUSTAVO - PART 1." video page).

OS: Mac OS X 10.6.8

Browsers: both Chrome 32.0.1700.77 and Firefox 26.0.

A) /#comments

I got an email notification that a comment had been added to these subtitles, with a link to in: "You can respond to this comment on the comments page."

Same issue in the Activity subpart of the main page: in "arthurcdomingues commented on Portuguese, Brazilian subtitles for DC SHOES: REDISCOVER HOME - FELIPE ...", the link on Portuguese, Brazilian subtitles also uses the not-working sub-URL.

B) /#revisions

When comparing two revisions listed in the Revisions subpart (URL:  of these subtitles, say comparing Revision #24 and Revision #25 in,

This impossibility to directly go back to the history of revisions from a comparison of two revisions -whether via the navigation link or via the Back button - is particularly inconvenient when trying to track something through various revisions: e.g. the content or a syncing issue of a given subtitle.

Therefore, could these URLs ending in "/#something" be abandoned, and replaced  by corresponding URLs ending in "?tab=something" in all links provided in the Amara site and in email alerts, please?

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