Two solutions, both implying you indicate the URL of the Amara video page:
if the Amara page of the video has not been added to a team: you download your Dutch-labeled English subtitles and reupload them as English, then you let me know I can delete the Dutch track
if it has been added to a team: as in 1., but you must ask one of the team's admins/owners to delete the Dutch track
However, before you or others might launch onto a translation of these subtitles, please consider the fact that videos of the same speech by Jobs already have an Amara page, where they have already been subtitled in several languages. E.g. has complete subtitles in 17 languages, including (real) Dutch, and subtitles in progress in seven more languages. Moreover, the video doesn't have open (burned in) captions that interfere with the added closed captions.
A last detail: in your subtitles, you added "Subt. made by: Lion Heart from The Netherlands" at the end. There is no need to make such claims on Amara, as each revision of each subtitle set has a link to the profile of its author. E.g. in this case: "Showing Revision 1 created 12/15/2013 by svabajnath." So all you'd have to do is change svabjnath to Lion Heart from the Netherlands under "Name" in the page, if that's how you want your subtitles to be attributed to you: it won't affect your user name. In the same page, you can also add personal info if you'd like to.
Lion Heart
I chose 'Dutch' for making a subtitle in English. Now the subtitle is listed as 'Dutch', but it has to be 'English'.
So now my clip has English subtitles, with the label 'Dutch'..
Is there a quick way to fix this?
My regards,
Lion Heart.