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Full Online Aerodynamics Course is requested to be translated


Hi !

I'm a mechanical engineering student and I wanna study aerodynamic , so I searched for many topics concerning this course and I found just one online from NPTEL India ..


this course is in English but in the indian slang :( ! and I found it hard to understand its English


I want to translate it , and I will pay

link of the course :

my email is : [email protected]

Thanks !

Thanks alot ! , really Thanks !
i didn't know that there's a project for that .. I hope they do for that course soon . ^_^


Hi Marwan

Actually, this course is in good English but with a rather heavy accent, granted. However, the description of the YouTube version of the same video links to, the subsection for the transcripts of the course videos. There a pop-up explains that the transcripts are being made via voice recognition + correction by lecturers, and will be used to provide subtitles, and asks for students' patience.

So it might be worth it to wait: if the voice recognition software is trained for each lecturer's voice and accent, with the lecturer's revision, it might work.
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