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Uploading text without SRT timing...

I have tried to upload text based subtitles (i.e. line-by-line transcript). After the upload all the subtitles come out as lines of one long text for the first (and only) subtitle. I then have to create new subtitles and cut-and-paste to resdistribute the lines before I can start synching. In my text files (UTF-8), all lines end in both CR (ANSI 13) and LF (ANSI 10). How do I make it so that each CR-LF break is placed onto a separate subtitle block, like this (the LINE numbers are not part of the text):

LINE 1: Today the sun set behind the storm clouds.

LINE 2: Today the waves beat down painfully.

LINE 3: I saw Jamaica's hope die —

as opposed to

LINE 1: Today the sun set behind the storm clouds.

Today the waves beat down painfully.

I saw Jamaica's hope die —

LINE 2: [blank]



Thanks for your solution. I tried inserting a blank line between the text lines in the transcript. It works. My problem is solved. 

geometry dash scratch

Thank you for your question, Richard Robin


The only way to get transcript lines into separate subtitles is to insert a blank line between the text lines in the transcript before you upload it.

Best wishes,


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