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We're sorry - the page you are trying to access does not exist.

I was going to take my first Amara job request but as I opened the given link on email it kept appearing in this message : We're sorry - the page you are trying to access does not exist. It appears same in PC as well. How can I fix this problem? Looking for your help!
1 Comment

Thank you for your query, Yoona Cho.

Do you perhaps have more than one Amara account? If yes, make sure you are logged in the one for the pro job requests, then try the link again. The message you mention also appears when you are not correctly logged in when you open a link for these private subtitling jobs.

If you are correctly logged in, please ask again in a ticket. Please mention "OnDemand" in the title of the ticket, as this will accelerate its processing by Amara's tech staff, who will be able to answer you.


Claude Almansi

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