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If a sub appears or comes in too early, is that out of guidleLines?

 Am proof-reading some subs.  They often start more than 0.5 seconds EARLY... they guidelines state that subs should not start more than 0.5 seconds LATE, (delay) but what about too early??

1 Comment

Thank you for this important question, Mark.

Sometimes a subtitle is deliberately set to start early in order to slow down the required reading speed, if the speaker talks really fast.

However, starting the subtitle early can be disconcerting for viewers if the speaker is referring to something he shows in a sentence. So you'd have a subtitle that says "In this diagram..." before users can see the diagram. In such cases, it is better to resync the subtitle more accurately, and have a faster reading speed.

So you'll have to decide from case to case, I'm afraid.


Claude Almansi


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