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Slow editor

Hie Guys,

Don't know if this problem has to do with Amara Editor or just my old computer but...

My Amara Editor is Super Slow lately - time delays while typing, playing and pausing video, syncing subs and exc. It takes the fun out a bit :) as well as effects the quality of syncing...  

Yet, off the editor  in Amara's Website (and regular on-line surfing)  everything seem to be fine. 

*my computer does seem to make a lot of effort using the editor though... 

Could you help?

With love,


Thank you for asking, Or.

I'm sorry I don't have a sure answer. Tentatively: the editor was a bit slow for me too in the last 2 days. So it could also be due to a temporary overload of the Amara server,  But then it could also be an issue with the server hosting the video that streams in Amara (I was working on fairly long YouTube videos)

Does the issue persist for you? I was thinking of waiting another day, then ask tech support if it does.

Happy (and hopefuly smooth) subtitling!

Claude Almansi


Hey Claude,

Thank you for the quick reply!

I think you're right. it might have to do with the length of the video, which is much longer then what I usually work on (this one is almost 3 hours long). 

I will try and contact Tech to see if there's something to do on this Matrix Web :)

Thanks & Love,


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