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Getting back to editing

Hello everyone.

I was about to finish translating a video when I hit "Complete" without editing the title and description first.

Now what I have is my draft saved but not editable. 

Is there a way to get back to editing it?

Also, I'd like to know if the draft will automatically be revised by someone over the next days.

1 Comment

 Thank you for your query, Súlivan Antônio. "Now what I have is my draft saved but not editable" suggests that the video has bee added to a team that has tasks. Is that correct?

If yes, then on the left of the main page, you should see a link to tasks for this video. If you click it, you can see wether someone else has already picked up the revising task. If yes again, you can contact them via the link to their profile -> Send a message. Otherwise, you should contact your language coordinator and ask for the translating task to be reassigned to you.

If the video has NOT been added to a team, then you should be able to edit your subtitles, even if you marked them complete. If you still can't, then please create a ticket via , giving all the required information (see How to write a Good Ticket)

I hope this helps, but don't hesitate to ask further  questions.



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