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YT subtitles and Vimeo

 I no longer can upload YT-generated srt files onto Vimeo. I get an error message saying that Amara cannot be reached at this time. I end up having to input each line of subtitles one by one. I've tried checking the password combinations but to no avail. Can you help diagnose the problem?

I work with I generated srt files for their videos through YT.

I would appreciate you help very much.

Arlene Guccione

1 Comment

Thank you for reporting this problem, Arlene.

For a diagnostic, please create a ticket via ? It will go to Amara's tech staff who can make such a diagnostic.

Please also give in the ticket the information described in How to Write a Good Ticket. Here, in particular, also the URLs of the three video pages involved: YouTube, Amara and Vimeo.




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