Thank you Claude
<layout> <region xml:id="top" tts:backgroundColor="transparent" tts:showBackground="whenActive" tts:extent="100% 100%" tts:origin="0% 5%" tts:textAlign='center'/> </layout> ... <p begin="00:00:52.380" end="00:00:53.980" region="top">Aberdeenshire. 2010.</p>
Fran Ontanaya
$$ [subtitle content]
and then, for each marked sub, delete the $$ , and add the attribute
in the paragraph definition, before the subtitle content?
and replace them with
I'm going to try that - but on a 2nd copy of the DFXP file :D
Bonnie Anderson
Hi! When there is some existing text at the bottom of the video that I do not want to interfere with or block with my subtitles, is there a way to move my subtitles to the top just for that time? I have seen the use of the up arrow caret in other programs, but in amara that doesn't seem to work. Is there a trick to this? Thank you!
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