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I can't save my work when I click the "COMPLETE" button.

I've finished my work and have no mistakes left. The following step is to click the "COMPLETE" button, and get my subtitles reviewed. 

The problem is that when I click on that button, this appears:

This isn't new for me, until now I always downloaded my work and then uploaded it to continue editing.

I need to know if there is an alternative way to upload my finished work to be reviewed, because I suspect that I will have this problem in all computers, not just mine.

Thank you inadvance!


1 person has this problem
1 Comment

Hi Constanza

Apologies for the late reply. I don't know the answer to your query, so may I suggest you create a ticket, indicating also your operating system, browser, and URL of one instance of the issue?

Thank you in adevance

Best wishes for 2015,



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