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complete the subtitles

Good day to everyone. I`ve got a problem and hope someone can help me. I`ve downloaded my subtitles draft and can`t press the `complete` button because my modem is too slow and I can`t play the video. Also, the subtitles on-line editor doesn`t function on my computer, that`s why I`ve created the subtitles off-line. So, the question is how can I mark the subtitles complete, without using the on-line editor and without playing the video? Thanks for help in advance.

1 Comment

Thank you for your question, Nikolai.

When you upload subtitles you have made elsewhere, if the box for "This subtitle file is 100% complete" in the upload dialog is ticked, the uploaded subtitles will appear as complete.

Is connection speed the only reason why you can't use the online editor? If there are also other reasons, please create a ticket  (via tickets go to the Amara tech staff who will be better able to answer you than me.




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