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VEVO videos

 VEVO videos do not stop at four seconds like they are 'supposed to.'

They just keep playing.

So I have been stopping and starting the videos manually using play and pause.

OK, not such a huge deal.

But then the first VEVO video I captioned did not sync as I had it synced. It was just off after being 'done.' A lot of it was voice over so it wasn't a huge deal but it made the work look sloppy.

I tried a second VEVO video last night. It had the same problem with continual play. Had to stop and start manually with play and pause.

But then it just simply stalled after a minute or so. I couldn't even get my cursor to work. Couldn't press any buttons. Had to shut down my computer manually and call it a night.

Is there something in the VEVO set up that boggles the Amara interface?

1 Comment

I can't answer your question, but could you give the links to the Amara pages for these VEVO videos, please? This way Amara developers will be able to examine them.


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