You therefore have to download the subtitle file and the video separately and then play them together with appropriate desktop software on your computer, for instance the VLC player which is free software, non paying and multiplatform (Windows, Linux, Mac).
It's easy to download the subtitle file: you just go to the subpage for the language of the subtitles and use the Download link to choose which format you want (SRT, SBV etc) from the droplist that opens. Choose a format that works in your desktop software: for VLC, they are listed in .
To download the video, you must first find where it is hosted. This is indicated in the "URLs" tab of the main page. For example, in the ITHACA - C.P.Cavafy - Sean Connery - AENAOS PLEFSIS video I'm working on presently, the URL's tab is .
(Now the rather illogical thing in this URLs tab is that the first URL indicated - in this case "" - actually links to the Amara page for the video, not to the YouTube page where it is hosted, as it would seem.
So you have to use the second link - in this case "Youtube URL " - which links to the actual YT page).
Go to the page where the video is hosted, and download it from there.
Note: in some cases, the Amara page streams a video file directly. You see that if the URL ends with .mp4, .webm etc. In such cases, you can download it from the second URL of the URLs tab, by rightclicking and choosing "Save".
I hope this is clear - but please, next time, give the link to the video you're talking about: it simplifies explanations.
Omar Adria
Hello, look I subtitled a video but I would like to download it but nose as the page loved it I do not get anything to download the video and of course I want to be discharged as I subtitled.