When I tried again yesterday evening, https://dev.universalsubtitles.org partially showed: it looked linearized, but I was able to log in. However, when I tried to create a subtitling page, the resulting page showed an error feedback interface. This morning, https://dev.universalsubtitles.org had disappeared again.
Claude Almansi
over 12 years ago
Dean or Craig or Nicholas originally gave the https://dev.universalsubtitles.org to the volunteer translators (or maybe just to the language team heads) the Amara website on Transifex, perhaps a year ago, to check how the translations looked like before they got enacted on the main site.
But then developers and other people working for Amara used it to experiment several things with team. Notably, what would happen if workflowed tasks were imposed on "no workflow" teams in the https://dev.universalsubtitles.org/en/teams/friday-13/ team. I then used it during their actual imposition in June, when translations in teams I belonged to got blocked by tasks no one new how to decline. Then of late, it became impossible to download subs made on that dev.universalsubtitles.org platform. And now it has disappeared.
https://github.com/pculture/unisubs/wiki/dev-center is nice, but a) many of the bit-size projects are a bit old b) there isn't this opportunity to preview translations of the website; c) you can't use it to create subs or translate them.
Update Nov. 1, 2012. Oops, I forgot: d) https://dev.universalsubtitles.org was also invaluable when subs were added to a long YT video AFTER it had been added to the normal Amara platform without subs. You could then create a page for it on the dev. platform, and that would import the YT subs, which you could then download and re-upload to the video on the normal Amara platform. Well, until the subs on the .dev platform became undownloadable before it disappeared.
over 12 years ago
Hi Claude, where is that link featured? The best place for developers to start is here: https://github.com/pculture/unisubs/wiki/dev-center
Claude Almansi