Hi Claude
Thanks for your work and effort here. Now I've joined the team I can see all the problems you mention. So presently I'm only transcribing videos outside of the team as it is too problematic as you rightly point out. If this is open and participatory as it should be and if it is going to work, then you can't have restrictions that prevent editing. Thank you for pioneering this and hopefully your concerns will be taken on board and sorted out.
Best wishes
Richard Gresswell
Claude Almansi
Hi, members of the Music Captioning team,
Twelve days ago, I sent you a message entitled "Please, do NOT create tasks for videos". Sorry about that: it was not any of you who did that, but a glitch in the part concerning teams of the Amara software: you probably have noticed the banner about draft status and the disabling of the editing link in almost all subs created or edited since June 6 at least. Some of you have found workarounds, but workarounds are unsatisfactory, and the Amara software has now put paid to the main one (marking subs as complete used to prevent the imposition of the draft status, but it doesn't work anymore since June 14)
Moreover, this draft status imposition does not only affect the subtitlers, but more crucially, people who need captions/subtitles: subs marked as draft don't work in the player, and the transcript produced by them is only viewable by the team members.
As the videos I've added to the Music Captioning team are not mine, I cannot in conscience continue to impose on them the above described effects of this glitch, so I am removing them from the team.
Their URLs remain the same, your subtitling work on them is preserved: the only difference is that subtitling and editing subtitles for them is now glitch-free: no more draft status notices, no more disabled Edit subtitles links.
I made a list of them in http://musiccaptioning.wikispaces.com/Ghost+tasks#Removed%20videos for easy finding, and in order to be able to re-add them when the Amara developers have removed that glitch: I hope soon.
I'm posting a copy of this message on the Amara Help forum (in http://support.universalsubtitles.org/categories/6573/forums/27539/topics/4974 ), where it is easier to discuss this message than via the Amara messaging.
Claude Almansi