The Amara Editor has warning messages built in to help you catch errors.
As you are working, you might see the following messages about your subtitles:
Subtitles can't be blank warning message;
Reading Rate, Line Length or Duration warning messages (indicated by an exclamation mark on the far right side of the cell);
Timing error in subtitle warning message (on Amara teams with managed workflows).
The purpose of these messages is to help you create readable and enjoyable subtitles. You can review subtitling guidelines (the maximum character number per line, subtitle duration, or reading speed) by clicking the Subtitling Guidelines link in the Keyboard shortcuts panel in the Amara Editor.
Subtitles can't be blank Warning Message
This warning message usually appears in the Review section in the Progress Panel on the top left section of the Editor window, as shown on the screenshot below:
This warning message means that at least one subtitle lacks text or timing. Subtitles that have empty or untimed cells cannot be marked as completed.
Click on the Go to blank subtitles link to go to the first blank subtitle cell so that you can start deleting blank subtitles individually.
Or you can delete all blank subtitles at one time instead of individually: click on the Subtitle Tools menu, and click Delete empty subtitles from the dropdown menu.
Using this method, all empty subtitle cells will be deleted in your subtitle set.
After you delete all blank subtitles, you should be able to sync, approve, or mark your subtitles as complete.
Note: Check the subtitles at the end of the center subtitle panel, as this is where such problems often occur. Many users opt to wait to address blank subtitle cells until they are finished editing the subtitles and are ready to sync. It can be easier to focus on creating subtitles, and then delete empty subtitle cells when you are ready to sync.
Reading Rate, Line Length, or Duration Warning Messages
You may see an exclamation mark on the right side of a subtitle cell.
These exclamation marks alert you to the following potential issues.
Line Length or Reading Rate Issues
If the warning message is due to Line Length or Reading Rate issues, follow the recommendations to reduce text or split the subtitle.
Line Length Warning:
Reading Rate Warning:
Duration Warning:
Subtitle cells that are too short will only display briefly and can be hard for viewers to read. Adjust the subtitle cell on the Timeline to increase the length of time the subtitle appears on the screen.
You can toggle between hiding and displaying the Reading Rate/Line Length and Duration warnings by clicking on the Subtitle tools button and choosing Hide Warnings, however, please keep in mind that the purpose of these messages is to help you create readable and enjoyable subtitles.
Timing error in subtitle Warning Message
On Amara teams with managed workflows, the Timing error in subtitle warning message usually appears in the Review section in the Progress Panel on the top left section of the Editor window, as shown in the screenshot below:
You will not be able to complete the Review until the timing error is addressed (i.e., the Endorse button will not be visible).
You can click the Send back button to have the Transcriber or Translator address the timing issue.
Or you can address the timing error yourself:
The Go to timing error message is a clickable link; when you click on it, it takes you to the first subtitle cell that has a timing issue, for example it might look something like this:
Sync the cell to correct the timing issue, or delete the cell: hover the mouse over the bottom left corner of the subtitle you wish to remove, and the Wrench icon will appear. Hover the mouse over the Wrench icon, then click on the x icon to delete the subtitle:
Or you can click the unwanted subtitle cell and press ALT + DELETE keyboard keys to remove it.
Issue: the Complete button, Approve button, and/or the rest of the Progression Panel is not visible.
Typically, this happens if your Web browser is significantly zoomed in or out compared to the default value.
Solution: start zooming in (CTRL [or CMD] + Plus) or out (CTRL [or CMD] + Minus) your browser to restore the progression panel. In many browsers, CTRL+0 keys restore the actual size (100%) in a single click.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please share your feedback!
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