However, if you click on the box for editing the subtitle, then the End Now button disappears, and the info and warnings about subtitle length and speed reappear:
(The thing in the red oval is the cursor).
So maybe the solution is to navigate within the Review step by focussing on the editing boxes, moving to the next box by using "Enter"? That's what I had been doing until you asked this question and it works for me: anyway, when I'm reviewing already synced, I don't use the arrows to modify the start and end of subtitles, but rather the handles of their "bubbles" in time-line, which enable me to be more precise.
But that's because I'm congenitally clumsy, and this hasn't improved with age :D So I suppose others can also fine-tune with the arrows.
When in review mode, you have the "Start Now and Finish Here" ( I think it's called that but don't have a video to check at the moment)
It shows you where you are in the text that is being reviewed.
I think it should not move and that the text moves up one window at a time and then everything is ok
BUT for me, most of the time, the "Start Here and Finish Here" tags move down instead of the text moving up and go off screen after 4 or 5 windows have been reviewed.
So now you can't see if there are any warnings
So I stop the video, and using my cursor, bring it up again to as high as possible and start again
What is causing this please? Why does it not normally work as it should?